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The day that changed my life...

Writer's picture: scheepersgirlsscheepersgirls

Some women become ecstatic with the news they are going to be a mother and other women become riddled with fear... I can't say I was either of these women because I fell somewhere in the middle. I wasn't riddled with fear because I had the privilege of being raised by an amazing single mother as well as being surrounded by strong women who had taught me to be the best Dominique I could be. However, I won't lie and say that I was ecstatic and over the moon about finding out I was pregnant either.

It all started with a routine check at the doctor because I had been having pain in my ribs but i was also quite tired which is normal for me when my iron levels start dropping, so of course I went to the doctor and thought this will be a quick 5 minute check up followed by a prescription for iron tablets or a blood test recommendation. Boy was I wrong... The usual questions were asked, the normal answered were given and then suddenly the Doctor says, "Could i get you to fill this jar with urine and bring it back for a pregnancy test?" To say that you could've knocked me over with a feather is a very polite way of telling you how i felt when he said that to me! But I did as he had asked and quite confidently came back with my wee and told him it was going to come negative because there's just no way I can be pregnant. isn't it funny how no matter how confident you are and how sure you are there is always still that little pit that forms in your stomach when a doctor tells you something could be happening to you?

We did the test 3 times, with 3 different containers of urine to make sure and there was no denying it! I was PREGNANT! my first reaction to the news was tears, as most women do cry, but they were the tears that came with terror or excitement. They were the tears of a girl finding out that she will have to take the season off hockey even though she had finally recovered from all injuries and it was time to climb to the top of my hockey career and conquer all the obstacles that previous injuries had thrown my way! YES, you read that correctly... I am sad to say that I cried because I knew there was no way I was going to play field hockey at the level I had been working hard for. However, once that realisation settled and I came to terms with that I suddenly started crying again because how on earth was I going to tell my family, my mother most of all, that I was pregnant with a guy I wasn't married to and hadn't even been seeing long? Most of all though, how was I going to tell the dad of my baby that he was going to be a dad but I would be ok if he didn't want to be?

I have to admit to you that he actually took it really well and was over the moon to be a daddy. It was crazy to be honest... He was beyond excited and couldn't wait to tell anyone and everyone that he was going to be a dad. It actually took a while to calm him down and convince him not to yell the news from the roofs because we didn't even know where we were going and what we were doing. Now that I had told him the news it was time to tell my family what was going on. It took a while to tell them but we got there in the end and we managed to tell my mom as well. Now that definitely had tears of pure terror involved in that conversation... But after time my mom actually became really excited and Couldn't wait to meet her grandchild! When that day came my heart felt a thousand times lighter and my whole world changed for the better!

I couldn't imagine my life without this beautiful ray of sunshine! It's amazing how one little person can flip your world upside down and change everything you thought was right and everything you ever wanted! How incredible is it to be able to hold a baby and see how bright their future is going to be? I have never regretted any choices that have led me to be where I am with the most wonderful gift I could ever have asked for!



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