I googled what it means to be a father and I was not disappointed... My google search gave me the following:
It means providing and protecting your children. Being a father means raising your children to be respectable adults by teaching and being actively involved in their lives. A father is a role model and a hero. A father is a strong shoulder to cry on and someone to lift you up in your successes.
Isn't it amazing how this quote doesn't mention a single thing about the DNA shared between a 'Father and child', it doesn't mention the gender of the "Father" you have in your life but instead it is rooted around the influence one has with a child and the relationship that is nurtured with a child.
I have spent years trying to work out what it means to be a father and what a father is meant to do when in reality I have a mom who is more of a father to me than any father I could ever ask for! My mom raised me in such an amazing way that I hope I can do the same for my beautiful girl. I don't ever remember going without anything... I was blessed enough to try all the sport I wanted to while being support by my mom at every sports event, swim meet and all my drama events. I know for a fact my mom works hard and she worked full time and I know for a fact that she was exhausted at the end of each day but I also know she loved me more than she loved life itself.
I am a firm believer that what you put into a relationship is what you will get out of it. I have said this before but this is truly one of the biggest beliefs that drive me in life! I have had the advantage of having 2 "dads" in life. My biological dad who would worship the ground I walked on when I was younger, I have some fond memories about him and our relationship, but he left when I was very young and the memories I have are those from photos I have been given from my younger days. Other than those small memories though, I don't know anything else about him... I can't say I have really wanted to know more about him in my later years. With the second father I was given the chance to grow up with, he gave me a step brother who I absolutely adore to this day! My step dad and I weren't close friends and quite often annoyed each other. He helped my mom and and he made it possible for me to attend sporting events that my mom may not have been able to financially afford. He left when I was 17 and I cannot say I have ever looked back and missed him. He was good and helped my mom when we needed it but he also made many mistakes that I have forgiven and have decided, do not define who I am. I know I was raised by an incredible mom not by men who, in the eyes of society, were meant to step in as 'Father' figures.
In our home we have a nontraditional family make up. Now before you read on, I do not want to take away from the importance of biological fathers, I simply want to thank those who have chosen to be fathers regardless of traditional ideas society has given us. Here at home we have been blessed with an amazing man who loves our family and has made us his family! He has come in and been such a great father figure for our little girl by loving her, giving her all the time in the world and by being the play mate she wants. If she says jump, he says how high... It has been amazing watching them together and watching him be the 'dad' I have always wanted for her! He truly is incredible with her which is why I am not surprised that she has wanted to call him dad.

Jonathan has come into our lives with a love that is all consuming, a patience that is gracious and a presence that is undeniable. Jonny has been there with us through the lawyers meetings, court decisions, tears, celebrations and surprises. He has put his arms around me when i have felt like my life is falling apart and he has hugged me so tight that are the ragged edges around my heart have been smoothed and replaced with a joy and a love that keeps denying any hurt that may come my way. He has given me his ear on more occasions than I can count so I have been able to get everything out in the open to then be able to work through my feelings. Even on our first date this poor man had to sit through 4.5 hours of me talking and babbling... I knew then he was a keeper!!
Jonathan may not have physically helped create our beautiful girl but he has definitely helped teach, grow and love our little girl from the day they met each other. Jonathan has helped pick her up after a fall, he has stayed awake with us when she couldn't sleep and he has helped clean up after she has been sick. He has helped her learn to ride her bike without training wheels while helping her stay strong when taking the dogs for a walk. He has had the patients to help her be the wonderful and joyful, little girl that she is! They are so similar in so many ways it is quite funny to watch but I have watched them with more love in my heart than I could ever have imagined possible! He is everything I could have imagined a father should be! I never had the best father's in my life so I know exactly what I don't want for my daughter and what I do want for her, and I want the best for her!

From our family to yours: Love with all your heart and your world will change!